Monday, March 31, 2008

Blog world

Ok, so I haven't been blogging - I guess I have been a little busy. This past week was Spring Break for our boys and I have to say that I am a little lonely now that they are back in school.
Grandpa's surgery went well today - he will go in for a check up tomorrow and he doesn't understand why we won't let him drive and take darvacet at the same time - but other than that, very good.
Drason and I will be married 9 years this Thursday - it really doesn't seem like that long, but I guess that time flies when you're having fun - or have kids - whatever.
So we are hoping to be able to go out of town this weekend - not sure where we are going yet as we had planned to go to Salt Fork but it is going to be rainy- we might go to the Smoky Mountains, I have heard they are pretty.
We had visitation tonight, it seems like the number of visits we can make is innumerable- what a fantastic problem to have.
I'm rambling - see you soon


Donna Dear said...

The Smokies are pretty - i can recommend restaurants. :)

Jeff (Big Daddy) Salyer said...

Happy Anniversary!

Wishing you many many more, God has really blessed our CONNECT Group and church through you and Drason!

Amanda said...

We have really grown in our faith this past year - we love you guys!
Thanks Jeff!