Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Lunch Bunch

Well, the lunch bunch was fun, we had 5 ladies show up and we had a great time. We will be doing this again the 3rd Saturday in April so keep the day open and we'll see you there.
It's funny how God gives you what you need when you need it. End of January I started reading a devotional book called "sister freaks" and on the day that the mission team came back from Kenya I was reading a very interesting story about a college student who was a short term missionary.
Megan was on her way home and the images of what she had seen were fresh in her mind. Women in the country she visited were nothing more than property, to be bought and sold. Many women and girls as young as 10 years old were sold into prostitution, they quickly contracted AIDS and were left in the streets to die. When Megan got home she began emailing friends and family, her church gave a presentation and through this she was able to raise money to partner with a woman in that country who ran a rescue home. They were able to build a larger home and rescue countless women from a life of forced prostitution and AIDS. Despite this success she was cynical and questioning why God would allow this to have happened in the first place. Through her faithful actions God healed her heart, and showed her that while bad things do happen, as a Christian she can do something about it.
You can get the book :-)
When I read this it was what I needed to hear - and then a few days later it is announced that we will have the opportunity to partner with some of the people in Kenya to ease the suffering, and to show them the light of Christ. - Interesting how that happens.
Anyways, Pastor Dear (link on the side of the page) is doing a bible study blog all this week about Easter. So Check that out if you haven't already - it might be just the thing you need to hear this week.


Anonymous said...

Well thank you for updating, not sure why you didn't post my comment asking you to update. Is it because I'm anonymous????

Amanda said...

Sorry about that, it's just been a hectic week, - excuses excuses :-)

Anonymous said...

That's ok, will forgive you this time. By the way, I was not the only one late last night, a couple others came in after me. So no worries. I did not miss much :) As always, had lots of fun, thanks for listening and for your advice and input. Your friendship means so much to me, thank you!