Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter

As you may know all of the boys were in suits today - very cute - Just my luck I thought my parents were coming to take pictures, they forgot their camera and my camera battery was dead - so no pictures today :-(
That's okay, maybe if I can get them to all dress up next week I can take a picture then. ( let me have my delusions)

This week was extra hectic, I took the 3 boys to Columbus along with a friend and her two little ones, to look for suits, 2 days of shopping with 5 kids- the whirlwind tour of the Columbus "Once upon a Child" stores was actually a lot of fun.
So last night I make sure that everyone has their clothes put out for Easter -

Shirt, clean and stain free - check
Suit, pants and a jacket- check
belt - check
tie, with working clip- check
two matching black socks, which are not Daddy's - check
two matching black shoes - check
baths - check

So the kids are getting dressed this morning and I hear Marshal in his room - he sounds like he is really struggling with something - it seems that his belt was too big- oops
So I tell him to finish getting dressed and I will look at it in a minute - 20 minutes later he comes back and is asking about it. So I fit the belt on him and low and behold it is two inches too long - not enough holes to fasten it.
I am thinking about how to fix this problem - needless to say I don't have the tools readily available to punch another hole in this belt.
I though about using a handheld drill to drill a hole - but I didn't know how that would work or where the drill was. And finding the drill would require hunting through the garage in my Sunday clothes, in the cold, with little chance that I would even find the drill.
So I get out the cutting board in the kitchen and I'm thinking about using a steak knife to try and punch a hole in the belt. Also not a bright idea - I decide against slicing my hand off, as every time I try to use a steak knife for anything other than steak - I manage to cut myself.
So I am looking in the junk drawer when I see the perfect solution, twine. Just kidding. I spot a phillips head screwdriver.
I figure I can put the belt on the cutting board and hammer that screwdriver tip through the belt, creating a nice hole. - one problem - no hammer.
Now I don't know about you, but I am pretty handy at hanging a picture with my shoe - but even a shoe wasn't going to work on this.
I scratched through the junk drawer - no more usable items there - and I am looking around the kitchen when I see my cast iron skillets
Iron skillets do make pretty good hammers when you are in a pinch.
Skillet in one hand, Screwdriver in the other, Drason walks in the kitchen to "CONG< CONG< CONG" of the iron skillet.
Marshal was amazed at my ingenuity - Drason a little less so - but the kid was dressed and his pants stayed up where they belonged, so all in all a good day.

The moral of this story? Make sure your kid wears a medium belt BEFORE you buy it - or - that your husband is not home when you remedy the problem :-)

Happy Easter

1 comment:

Reagan said...

he,he. Very creative! I hope one day I will be just as creative in a situation like that. And I'm sure there will be many opportunities :-)