Sunday, March 2, 2008

Please note the bottom of the blog

About 2 weeks ago, I installed this wonderful little device on my blog. It is a hit counter/ip address collector. This counter does not install cookies, it pings your address and stores that information. If you do not speak computer, basically it will collect your location, system/browser data, what site reffered you to my site, what time you visited and so on. So - anonymous comments are no longer as anonymous as they once were- that being said please feel free to leave any comment on the blog - but I will not publish anonymous comments unless they are my husbands. While I appriciate other points of veiw, some comments aren't conducive to having a conversation, uplifting others, or solving a problem, so if your comments are of that nature - they will be discarded.
I have a friend who said she went to someones blog and read it daily and spent many hours being angry at a person that she doesn't even know, but totally disagrees with on everything. If you come to my blog and feel that way - first off - I'm really sorry, Secondly - STOP IT.
Blogs are supposed to be enjoyable, I know that sometimes my blog may be a little serious, but I hope that you enjoy reading it.

Fun facts about this blog's readers
Most of you live in Ohio, but some also live in Alabama, New York, Kansas, and Iowa
Most of you have Windows XP and have a 6.0 browser- (I'll try to remember this when uploading)
Most visit between noon and three
Enough for now, will blog more tomorrow


Holly jo said...

Lol! I do have to say this blog made me giggle just a little bit. Why would someone continue to read a blog that upset them? That just seems really silly to me! Lol! Anyway I thought I would just say hello. I am still here, I didn't drop off the face of the earth. I have just been busy. I am sure you know how it is between your job, life in general and kids, plus trying to gear up for baseball season and on top of it all getting ready for baby!!
Check out my blog, I just updated and put some new 3D pictures of baby Lily up.
Hope all is well!!

Amanda said...

Hey there! glad you are back, hope things are going well for you!