Thursday, November 1, 2007


Everyday I see more and more evidence that we are truely living in the end times. A friend sent me an email about a movie. On the surface it seems like any other fantacy movie, but dig a little deeper and the truth will suprise you.
The movie is called " The Golden Compass" and it is about a child who is fighting against "tyranny." Too bad the "tyranny" that she is fighting against is the Church. The child is accompanied by a talking animal/spirit guide called a "daemon" (pronounced demon) When you click on the website to link which describes the daemons it states
"In Lyra's world a person's soul lives outside thier body in the form of a daemon- an animal spirit that accompanies them through out life......In our world it is possible that people have daemons as well, only they are invisible. If you would like to learn more about your here"
Check out the site for yourself

I am lost for words


Anonymous said...

I heard you sing last Sunday. I was brought to tears. The words were so beautiful and I could listen the music all day. I wanted you to know I couldn't get that song out of my head all week. You are amazing. Your voice is amazing. I had heard a rumor about a CD. I hope that is true. Thank you.

Amanda said...

I am really glad that it blessed you! It was a blessing to me as well. Yes, I am working on recording something before the end of the year. When that happens I will post it hear. Thanks for the encouragement!

Amanda said...

or here :-)