Tuesday, October 30, 2007

D is for Determination

I am determined to make it through this week!
It seems like this week has been very busy. My friend Laurietta is staying with us, her grandfather passed away last night, they are in the process of making arrangements. Please pray for her and for her family, I have known Dean since I was a little girl, so pray for me too.
Drason is working a crazy schedule this week, he says he will be done for the week after tomorrow, (I really really really hope so!)
We have been super busy with stuff for the kids, and the house seems to be staying clean somehow??? Maybe it is because we haven't eaten at home much this week so far.
So how does one deal with all of this???
Philippians 4:4-9

I can be thankful that I have a house that is big enough that I can accommodate a friend for a week and a half and not have her feel she is an intrusion.
I can be thankful for being trained as a counselor, this has come in handy this week.
I can be thankful that I have a VERY supportive husband, who is arranging his schedule to meet my needs.
Thank goodness that Toys R Us had costumes for the boys on sale for 70% off tonight .
I can be thankful that I am not working and have the time to spend to keep up with everything, that I have some of the greatest friends on earth, and that I have been blessed beyond measure.

And life goes on

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