Saturday, April 7, 2007

How do bunnies lay eggs?

This is what Marshal asked me yesterday and I was sort of taken by surprise. "Bunnies don't lay eggs!" I said. We had a little talk about Easter. It seems like we have this conversation every year, when asked what Easter was about Marshal said, "Bunnies and chicks and eggs."
I reminded Marshal that Easter is about Jesus, and that Jesus died for us so that we could live.
"Then who puts the eggs down on the ground?" he asks
"Adults do, so that kids can find them, is that weird or what?" I replied. WE talked a little bit about Jesus and why he died for us.

Satisfied for now, Marshal went upstairs to play. Marshal is at the age where he is full of questions, I am so thankful that he asks them. Even though we have talked about this is our home, he was still wondering. This makes me more conscious to look for ways to protect him for secular messages, and instill in him the truth about the matter.

I remember my parents giving Easter baskets and always including a bible verse in the plastic eggs, or "another gift from Jesus" in the basket. I believe I was given a bible for Easter one year.
I have continued this with my own children to help in teaching them the true meaning of Easter, and to spark just such a discussion.
This is one of my favorite times of year, Jesus is risen! Praise God!

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