Saturday, April 19, 2008

Things I have learned this week.....

My cousin Christie ends all of her emails with "things I have learned" I am thinking this is a great idea - a way to sum up all the relevant events for future reference.

This week I have learned that if you go to the YMCA for a "fitness evaluation" that is code for pay us money to try to kill you - and if you do manage to survive you can come back and we will try again.

When going for a walk at Dawes you should not try to explain things to children - because sometimes the explanation takes quite a bit of breath and energy and in the end they will just make fun of you for saying "hanimals" instead of animals - when you were trying to walk briskly and explain things

When you think things are going peachy and wondering why everyone else is having such a hard time - watch out - you're probably just clueless - as opposed to gifted

When you go to a school - try not to look lost - it only draws attention from a slew of adults who spend their days instructing people what to do and how to do it.

When you feel like you REALLY need to have a quite time early in the morning, before anything has happened - you need to be aware that the odds of something happening as soon as you close your Bible are pretty good.

If it is picture day at school you may as well forget actually getting a picture of your child with out food - markers or anything else on their shirt - especially when you have boys - and while you can tell yourself that these things just add to the charm - you probably aren't going to shell out the 25.00 to get the "charming" pictures

When your 8 year old asks a question out of the blue - you really should ask questions back to find out what they are getting at rather than answer - otherwise you may wind up answering the wrong question all together - thus prompting another talk with Daddy

Allow your friends to call and remind you of things, because as soon as you say "don't worry about it, I'll be there" 15 things will come up that will cause you to forget and thereby neglect your friend, who will then call you and say " I guess you're not coming, huh?"

If you go to a guitar lesson and the person giving you the lesson is old enough to be your grandpa and asks you if your "mom or dad" paid for the lesson when they bought your guitar, you either need to take it as a compliment -that you look young enough to still live with your parents- or perhaps pretend you didn't hear them correctly, I chose the former.

AND Lastly - even though many things have gone very hideously wrong this week - many things have also gone very wonderfully right - remember the Joy of the Lord is my Strength!
and 1 Peter 5: 6-7
"Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your cares on him because he cares for you."

What did you learn this week?

1 comment:

Holly jo said...

I have also learned to expect the unexpected, especially when you have boys. If things don't go as planned, I just figure that the way it played out was the way it was intended to. Try to just grin and bear it. I sure didn't plan on spending the weekend doing nothing but watch a baseball tournament, but I did learn things about baseball while there, so that is also a plus. And spending the day watching three games on our first wedding anniversary, wasn't all horrible. At least we got to spend the day together. Now getting ready to throw a little girl into the mix....not sure if I am ready for that! Lol! I am so used to boys....