Friday, June 12, 2009

News from Kenya

Here is the latest email from the Gregies - enjoy =]

June 9, 2009
Dear Family and Friends,
So much has happened here since we last communicated. Most of you know Pastor F was very ill for several days. He is home now recuperating, (thank the Lord!) but we had some very tense days. The short story is after an overnight stay with x-rays in a private hospital in M********, we (meaning family, friends and M*** a nurse practitioner) took him to M*****, then K*****, back to M***** for surgery. The x-rays in M*********showed nothing, but the surgeon insisted he had ruptured ulcers that necessitated opening him up to “scrape” them out. After that procedure was refused, the Dr's ego was apparently so wounded, that not only did Pastor need to leave that Hospital, but had to find another that would accept him in M*****. (I guess news travels fast). The C-scan in K***** showed the problem to be the appendix. It was removed and he seems to be doing well. B - his wife, and Pastor A never left his side. After the pastor was home we heard the spiritual testimony that was also a big part of the medical drama. It seems a few members of his family became so concerned with the outcome of his illness, they consulted a local witch doctor. They were informed that this was all a trap of the devil and was intended to kill him. They were instructed to go to the hospital and secretly smear the curative ingredients on his body, and attach the “object” to his sheet before the surgery or he would die. Well they were not able to keep the secret, so the wonderful testimony to the family follows; (short version) “I know you love me; you know I left the traditional way years ago to follow Jesus, if I die, I die in the arms of the Lord. Please respect my decision.” So the real trap was the death of his faith, and even in the midst of such pain and suffering, he was able to stand firm and trust the Lord to take care of him. It was a great victory for the pastor, and a great witness to his family. The long version has been shared many times already! So we are glad to have him back and I’m sure he is glad to be home.
The four of us picked up the slack with the teachings at school, and keeping the home with 9 children running. F - our cook, and J -more help, are here most of the time (and although seldom needed they are effective disciplinarians). We mostly supervised. I know what is going through everyone’s head at home when you hear nine children! It is completely different here. All of the bathing, laundry, and cooking is done outside and mostly by the 2 older girls, S*** and D***. They are orphan children and mid-teens. P*** (pastors’ oldest daughter, about 9) was also a hard worker. The boys do their own laundry as well. The little girls, 6 or 7 yrs, D*****(pastors) and Z***** (orphan) washed the dishes (outside in a dish pan) M**** (orphan) and H**** (pastors) took care of the cows and goats watering and grazing. V**** took on the “man of the family role” and little K**** is everyone’s entertainment. They all had pills, syrups and tablets to take, not sure what for, but it was all Mom approved so I just kept with the program. Baths before supper (insisted upon by me) their supper time is so late the little ones often fall asleep eating. The first night the boys were accidentally locked out of the house they usually sleep in, so we had to set up a makeshift bed and mosquito net in the living room. I think it was an adventure for them Ha! Make sure all of the uniforms are washed for tomorrow, count heads in the bed in this house before locking the door for the night! (Not pleasant to wake up in the night and realize “I don’t REALLY know that all of the children are in here, because I forgot to count heads tonight!” UGH) that only happened once, early in the saga. They are wonderful children, a joy to be with and we enjoy them very much. The good news is-no one needs to be driven anywhere!
A few weeks ago we went to the VISA office in M****** to make sure the process was begun to acquire our E-Permits (missionary status) to stay here in Kenya. We are currently on a tourist VISA that is stamped for 6 months (clearly stamped). Well upon our arrival, we were informed our VISA s had expired, and we could be put in jail! (They weren’t kidding). Seems that the VISA is good for 3 months, then renewed (with a fee) for the full 6 months. Could they show us this on the paper work? No! That is just how it works! Pony-up the money and we could be on our way! Well, applications, fingerprints, photos were all attached to the extension paperwork. (The passport photos needed to be cut apart; there are no scissors in this government office! NONE! I had my little Leatherman in my backpack and used that!) We left with our receipt, good until the original date of August 12. We are in the process of submitting all paperwork for the E-Permit. Please pray that this will go smoothly, with no surprises, or unobtainable information. It all has to be submitted by the end of June to allow 6 weeks to process. The offices do have a spectacular view of the Indian Ocean. (We did check all of this out before we left the States, and were assured the process was simple and couldn’t be submitted until we were actually here) So we have complete peace that the Lord is in control of whether we stay longer or go back home in August. As we wait, we keep on with the daily routine.
About three weeks ago we went to watch the older children from school participate in the Track and Field competition for the area. We guestimated about 2,000 students participating. It was held in G*******. There is a large public school, with a soccer/track behind it. The field is surrounded by trees so we had really nice shade most of the day. The field is just that; a cow field. The children dodged cow patties and coral outcroppings as they ran pell-mell to the finish line. The older boys sounded like a herd of horses pounding the ground. Did I mention the event was mostly done bare footed? I counted 3 pair of tennis shoes. The crowd of children watching and cheering the races kept drifting over the race lanes, only to be beaten back with a stick. As soon as the stick passed the blob merged back onto the track LOL. We had a great time watching and cheering, and it was especially fun because we knew so many of the children. Three of the place holders in the events were orphan children! We kept a really wide distance from the javelin (also blobbed into to see where the javelin was landing). Our school children were brought their lunch of beans and rice from the school. As for what I could see, they were the only ones with lunch. Greg went back and brought the huge sufarias (pots) and cooks in the back of the SUV. The start “gun” was two boards smacked together! Postings of winners were on a chalk board. The high jump bar was a branch pulled off of a tree. A good time was had by all.
We have had several days of nice soaking rain and sunshine. Praise the Lord! The corn is growing, and everyone is breathing a little easier.
We have had more new babies, need a notebook to keep up with all of them. Greg was supposed to name the last one, but there was a communication problem, so her name is M******* S***. Her father is not yet saved, an alcoholic, so we were pleased he asked the four of us to come and do the dedication. She is beautiful and tiny. We guessed 5-6 pounds, looks healthy. There was a concern about the delivery, last time she had seizures and was unconscious. No problems with this home birth. The mother is proud of her, and a Christian. We are praying the family becomes complete and brings Glory to the Lord.
About three weeks ago John, Greg and A*****went to J****** home to witness to her husband. They had to be there early in the morning while he was still sober! The husband was not receptive, but his brother put the bottle down, listened to the Word, and prayed to receive Christ. He has been coming regularly on Thursday for Bible study. He was not sure about church attendance as he does not own a pair of pants. He wears the traditional kikoi (Ki-koy) which wraps around the waist like a skirt. One of the men here found some pants for him; I think he is not quite ready for church attendance yet. He was also concerned about his acceptance because not too long ago this spring he “jumped on the witch Doctors back”. What this means is during a ceremony, when the witch Doctor is dancing around, a person who wants to be a witch doctor jumps on his back so the people all see that the power is being transferred to the rider. It is a public statement of training, and following. Then the w.d. shaves the trainees head and puts some kind of markings on the head, so everyone also sees that. (His hair has grown back enough to cover it). So many issues need to be considered for people’s peace of mind. J****** became a Christian shortly before we arrived. She was practicing witchcraft and wants to destroy the objects and idols she was using to perform the ceremonies. Her husband won’t let her take the things out of the house, but she seems to feel relieved of the burden of responsibility because she has asked. She is the number five wife.
The new hotmail address is sending everything quickly, but we are getting a lot of junk mail, and have to remain online to read.
Thank you all for emailing us. We love to get news from home. I finally figured out how to chat live on Face Book last night. I was talking to Amy Smith and Amanda Sillin at the same time! I was so excited; I could hardly hit the keys! LOL
Love The Gregies (roll the R!)

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