Thursday, March 26, 2009

Kenya and Artwork

As you may know, Greg and Lisa S. are good friends of ours who have moved to Kenya for the next 2 years to be part of an orphan outreach.

Orphans there are more common than children with parents. Aids, disease, lack of medical care, and dead beat parents have left an entire generation of children, fatherless, motherless, and in many cases homeless. If you want to know where the next generation of child warriors will come from - it will be from third world countries where the children are left to fend for themselves.

I visited Kenya this past summer and I was left humbled and heart broken by the abject poverty we saw there. I had a very hard time describing this to my friends and family. When you see something like that it makes you rethink how you look at the world, how you look at money, and how you look at your life.

I remember coming back and my husband wanting to take me out to eat. My favorite restaurant would run over a hundred dollars for the two of us, but I could not justify eating there. I had a hard time eating at the Red Lobster. I remember doing laundry and seeing just how blessed we are, even after the fire, my children have enough clothes to clothe an entire village in Kenya.

The words I write, the pictures I took do not do justice to the things we saw there. There is a song by Sara Groves that sort of describes the way it felt to come away from that experience, but even that is lacking. The best testimonial I can give you for why this is so important is that two of my very close friends sold everything they had, to move to a third world country to try to help the orphans there.

Greg and Lisa, have been self employed for several years, Greg is an artist, and Lisa was a make-up consultant for Mary Kay. Greg's art is available online at Greg's garage of art or:

Please consider supporting Greg and Lisa by purchasing prints from his website. This is an easy and convenient way to support Greg and Lisa and also to enjoy this great artwork.
You can order these prints very inexpensively, please check out the website for more information, below are samples of Greg's work - he is extremely talented. (The pictures below are samples, copyrighted and are very small resolution - they will not print.)
Greg's most recent print "Fire's Out" - is not shown below

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