Sunday, August 12, 2007

Comings and Goings

Things have settled down a bit here at home. We are in a period of waiting to see what it is God has in store for us. Pray for us, I have the feeling we are both about to be going through some career/job changes. Drason is leaving for Maine in about a week, pray for this mission trip and for us - I don't know what I am going to do about babysitting for that week.
The boys start school on the 22nd , they are excited to go back - but I miss them already :-(

We had a great evening at Church tonight, the message this morning and tonight tied together well and really hit home. On that note, I am looking for a good devotional book, any ideas?

1 comment:

Donna Dear said...

I found the Bible has been my favorite. My dear hubby has a sheet with every chapter in the NT on it, and as you read the chapters you can check them off.