Saturday, March 6, 2010

A Look Back

I have a private blog where I write out my quiet times.  This has been a great help to me both to make time to do a quiet time, and to remind me of the things God has done in our lives. 
Below is from 1 year ago today:

Saturday, March 7, 2009

A study of David

at 7:47 AM

After reading a few chapters in Ezekiel I just wasn't finding anything that spoke to me yesterday - so I started a bible study that I purchased last fall - Anointed, Transformed, Redeemed. It is by Prisilla Shirer, Kay Aurther, and Beth Moore. I'm not a big Beth Moore fan, but maybe this one will be Beth light.


Yesterday was about David's calling. I often need reminded of our calling as Christians - here are some highlights.

 John 15:16 You did not chose me, but I chose you. - Very cool that this book would start off with that verse. God spoke to me through this verse very clearly when things were at their darkest and it kept me going, kept me wanting to try. With very few exceptions everyone I have ever known has betrayed my trust, and after counseling people you learn how evil people really can be, but God has never betrayed me- ever, He has always been faithful even when I was not, and He has never given up on me. "God chooses us so our confidence rests not in our faithfulness, but in His." *

Not only were we chosen, but we were chosen for a purpose - just as David was. David, chosen at age 15, looks back at his life with accomplishment in 1Chronicles 14:2 - at age 37. It was 22 years later.

Some of the character that God was trying to cultivate in David is revealed in 1 Samuel 24. David, a man after God's own heart shows he is not easily swayed by men, he is respectful of the authority placed over him, he speaks passionately and respectfully, he trusts he has God's protection, he is merciful, and he seeks a restored relationship with his fellow man. These are things God wants to cultivate in most every one's life. What can I do?

Trust God, Prioritize Quiet times, Pursue God's plan, and be Grateful.


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