Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Prayer is something that I struggle with. I know that doesn't make much sense, but it is true. I tend to have prayer spurts - like I will feel able to pray for a couple of weeks- and then not able to pray for a couple of weeks. I am reading a book called "Grace gone wild" and it gives an example of a young man who goes out drunk driving, wrecks the family car, and then comes home like nothing is wrong, gets up the next morning and tries to start a conversation with his dad - guess what - While sonny boy isn't kicked out of the family - he finds it difficult to talk to dad. Why? Hmmmm

I know that the reason I have trouble talking to God is because of sin in my life. I'm not out drunk driving! but I do struggle with my attitudes and my own personal favorite sins - like laziness, selfishness, and lack of self control (come to think of it lack of self control might be the same as the sin of drinking and driving)
The point is this - sin keeps me from talking to God - it also keeps me from hearing God.
I wonder what I am missing out on - I wouldn't go a day without watching the news in some form or another - but to go a day without having a real prayer? That might happen.
Let me be clear, I am not talking about the two minute - thanks for this and that - help me get through the day - I'm sorry about this or that - and thanks for everything - Amen -type of prayer. I am talking about the kind of prayer that is a conversation, that is meaningful - not just checking in with God.
Everyday I see Drason - we say good morning, get a kiss before he goes to work, maybe talk on the phone about what is for dinner, where the kids are, what bills need paid, he gets home, we eat, we watch a little tv, we go to bed. - these are the kinds of things that while important - they do not keep a relationship together. But we try to spend some time every afternoon or evening - usually when he gets home from work - before Marshal and Mason are home (So don't call me between 3 and 4pm!) Where we talk about anything, except bills, kids, dinner - and just spend some time together. This simple act has blessed our relationship beyond imagination!
(If you are reading this - and you are the one who suggested this - THANKS!)
This is what I want in my prayer life too! Yes all the small prayers are important, necessary - but I need to spend time just talking to God. Part of this happens in my quiet times - and that usually leads to some good prayer time.
I need to be more faithful in prayer - even when I don't feel like it - because that not "feeling" like praying is just simply rebellion - me saying I like my sin more than I want to talk to you. What if I said that to other people in my life - I don't feel like talking to you - that would have devastating results!

So today I diverged from Luke, and I read a little bit out of "The Power of a Praying Wife."
I find that as I read these I am praying for more than just Drason - I am also praying for myself.

**"A man’s walk is the way he journeys through life—his direction, his focus, the steps he takes. The way he walks affects every aspects of his being—how he relates to other people, how he treats his family, how people view him, even how he looks. Men can change radically as they learn to walk with the Spirit of God. The Bible reveals much about the kind of walk we should have. We are to walk: with moral correctness (Psalm 84:11), without fault (Psalm 28:18), with godly advisors (Psalm 1: 1), in obedience (Psalm 128: 1), with people of wisdom (Proverbs 13:20), with integrity (Proverbs 10:9), most of all, we are to walk a path of holiness (Isaiah 35:8). The best part about walking on the Highway of Holiness is that even if we end up doing something dumb, we still won’t get thrown off the path.There is a godly husband who would not be considered a foolish person. However, he did make an impulsive investment of a large sum of money which in perception after the fact proved to be a very foolish move. All that money was lost, and more, because there were added expenses as a result. This matter could have destroyed their finances and possibly even their marriage and health but because he had a solid walk of obedience and holiness before the Lord, they were spared. The fact that he ran ahead on the path and foolishly didn’t wait for God’s direction got him into trouble but not to his destruction.Jesus said the way that leads to destruction is wide and broad and many choose to go that route. But “narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it” (Matthew 7:14). Pray that your husband is guided by the Holy Spirit to find it and that he stays on the path by having faith in God’s Word, a heart for obedience and deep repentance for any actions he takes that are not God’s will for his life. Faith and obedience will get him on the Highway of Holiness; walking in the Spirit and not in the flesh will keep him there. God desires that your husband’s every step be led by Him (Galatians 5:25), so He can walk with him and grow him into His image. A man who walks with God is very desirable indeed.
“O Lord, I know the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man who walks to direct his own steps” (Jeremiah 10:23). Therefore, Lord, I pray that You would direct my husband’s steps, and my steps. Lead us in Your light; teach us Your way, so we will walk in Your truth. I pray that we would have a deeper walk with You and an ever progressing hunger for Your Word. May Your presence be like a delicacy we never cease to crave. Lead us on Your path and make us quick to confess when we strays from it. Reveal to us any hidden sin that would hinder us from walking rightly before You. May we experience deep repentance when we don’t live in obedience to Your laws. Create in us a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit within us. Don’t cast us away from Your presence and may we not grieve Your Holy Spirit (Psalm 51:10-11).
Lord, Your Word says that those who are in the flesh cannot please You (Romans 8:8). So I pray that You will enable (Drason and I) to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh and through Your mercy, keep us “from the paths of the destroyer” (Psalm 17:4). As we walk in the Spirit, may we bear the fruit of the Spirit, which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). Keep us on the highway of Holiness so that the way we walk will be integrated into every part of our lives."

I find that as I read these, as I pray through these - I am most often praying We and us - not he and him =] Funny how that works!

**Adapted from The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian

1 comment:

Drason Sillin said...

Thank you for praying for me this time. I love you.