Friday, August 16, 2013

Our Home Educating Journey: Growing up

Chapter 10


Growing up


I was talking to someone about homeschooling last week and I said “I was just a baby when we started this!” and my hubby, charming male that he is, laughed at me!

But, truth be told, I WAS just a baby!  I wasn’t even 30 yet!

I am thankful that when I was a child my parents took me to church and made me participate in programs like AWANAS and that when I misbehaved I had to copy chapters of the book of Proverbs.  I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you, Lord. Psalms 119:11.  I was in my late 20’s before I understood what was meant by a daily quiet time, but I am so thankful for the mission leaders that taught me, and my husband, to do a daily quiet time.  I was given some great tools to grow up in the Lord. 
More than that, and building on that, I am thankful for the opportunity to home educate my children.  When we discussed homeschooling we saw it as a way to take Godly instruction to our children to the next logical step. Homeschooling has been a wonderful way to grow up some God loving kids.

Every year, about this time, there are tons of commercials and pictures that show sad faced children returning to school and mothers jumping for joy.  Until I started homeschooling I was one of those mom’s who looked forward to when my kids would not ‘bother’ me with their questions and need for fun and games.  Homeschooling grew in me a deeper love for my children and a deeper appreciation of the people that they are and someday will become!

And then one day, something totally unexpected and odd happened.

Even though I had been completely engrossed in their schooling, I missed when they grew into young men.

We went from a house of little kids to a house of older elementary and middle school kids! 

 My oldest turned 12.

My kids were getting older. 

My heart started to break a little bit. 

My oldest was yearning for a challenge, stretching out.   Growing a boy into a man is quite the task.  How many conversations did we have about respect and humility….  How many did we have about love and hatred….  How many did we have about applying the principles of the Bible to how you act every single day, and not just pulling these out on Sunday?  How do you teach these things?

There were times when my son would ask a question that was so hard that I didn’t know how to answer him and through this the Holy Spirit would give me the words to say.  More than anything it took a lot of patience and a lot of explaining every concept, every principle, and using the Bible to explain why I was asking him to help with the dishes, or to talk about a crush, or his frustrations.  Through all of this, we leaned on the Bible and what God has to say about life.

So many things that stress us out, make us worry, cause us pain, are matters of the heart.  If our heart is right, fully surrendered to God, we can find Grace in every situation.  How to teach this to children?  How to stay calm enough to teach this when the dishes aren’t done and everyone needs clean socks and who knows what we are going to eat for dinner and… the list is endless.  How can you teach matters of the heart when you are so stressed out that you can’t think strait?  Pray. Grow up.  Be a person. Pray. Talk it out.  Pray. Cover it in Grace.  Move on. Pray some more!

A book that I love The Power of a Praying Parent by Stormie Omartian helped me keep some sanity. 

Another book helped my hubby keep some sanity.  Together Drason and oldest son worked through the book ‘Preparing your son for Every Man’s Battle’ and it was a huge blessing to see the Lord working in their lives.  Their weekly guys only meetings helped Macguines to understand the man that his father is and how to become and a Godly man himself.   It also helped pave the way in some father son conversations that can be difficult to get started.
This year Mac turns 14.  He has grown so much that I have to look up at him to look him in the eye.  He is very proud of this, as every young man is, but I am most proud of the man he is becoming and how he is growing into a Godly man I admire.

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