Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Time Flies

I read a blog post that I wrote last year in February... I could still remember that my friend had left a lovely encouraging comment on it and it seemed like yesterday..... but it wasn't yesterday, it was a year ago....

I tend to think things over.  I kick them around in my head for a bit before I do anything.  I examine them, I unpack them, and repack them and get them out and think them over again.  Some things take longer than others, some thoughts are catch and release, some are mulled over, some are constantly there.  The ones that are most often with me are of my children.  These are the ones that I think over, puzzle, replace, and then think over again...

So tonight I am thinking about my boys.  They impressed me today.  They were laughing and joking and smiling and listening to each other and I got to see a snap shot of them, a flash of their personalities, and that is when I saw it..... they are becoming their own people. 

Of all the things I spend time on each day, math, science, writing, guitar lessons, drama class, band, football....... the thing that makes the most difference is just talking to them. Just spending a minute or two getting to know them is the thing that is most worth my time.  I miss this.  So often I am focused on the finish line, completing the problem, accomplishing the goal, that I miss the day to day ordinary discussion. The time spent talking about things that will matter in the long run. 
So today when they laughed and talked at the doctors office, I paused and took a mental snap shot of our time together. Thank you Lord for stopping time for me for a moment to appreciate my boys.

Soon spring will be upon us, and rather than the mad rush for the finish, I think we may need to take a few more days like these and treasure the things that won't last forever.

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