Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Most Holy Place

Exodus 26:33b
The curtain will separate the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place.God has differations on holiness.

Many people look at holiness as how much sin can I have and still be called holy. How far away from God can I get and still be a "Christian"? I used to have that view. I looked at myself as being on a chain like a dog in the yard. If I started getting to the end it/He would pull me back. Thus I knew where my boundaries were and I didn't have to be in control of myself. I expected Him to do it. What if our spouses were that way.

What if Amanda said let me see how far away from Drason I can be and let him still know I love him. My love language is quality time so it would really bother me. I mean what if she said well I love you but I am going to sleep in another bedroom? Another house? Another road? Another city? Another state? Another country? At what point would it be to far? I know the other room would be too far for me. She might even promise to see me once a week. I promise to spend 2 hours with you on Sunday. Would that be okay? Definitely not. What if your love language is acts of service? I promise to do one thing for you this week. I will go to work one day or I will do one dish or I will rub one foot for one minute or I will live in Texas and call and listen to you for one hour every week. Would that make you feel loved?When we are of the attitude, how far away can I get and still go to heaven then we are telling God the same things. It shouldn't be how far away but how close can I get. Only one person ever got it completely right. Only one person ever got as close as possible. But we can get closer than we are now. Sin separates us from God. The more sin, the larger the sin, the more separation. So how far can I get?

I don't want to know. God makes distinctions in holiness. Only certain people, certain priests were allowed behind the curtain, into the most holy place. That was the old testament. Jesus broke down that barrier. He made it possible for us to be in the most holy place. He made it possible, not a guarantee. As Christians we are in the holy place. We get to heaven. But are we in the most holy place? Probably not. We should desire that closeness, that intimacy, with God. But too many times were are content the just be where we are. We are in the temple and so that is enough. No it isn't. We should be striving to get behind the curtain. "Don't mind the man behind the curtain." We all want to know what is going to happen. Why this is this way or that. Go behind the curtain. It is easier to see how things work back there. Mind the man behind the curtain. He can tell you how and why things work the way they do. We went to a concert Thursday night. One of the lead singers for a band there was telling about him and some others going to see people after their town was devastated by tornados. He said they were asked why. His response is that he didn't know. And that we don't know why sometimes. Wrong.

We may not always know the specifics for everybody, but we can find out about ourselves. If we commit ourselves to residing in the most holy place and not just the holy place then we can talk to God. That is what the most holy place was. It was where God would talk face to face with the Israelites. That is why only a certain person(s) was allowed in there. The had to be the most purified. Jesus took away those rules for that. He made us that purified, the Holy Spirit makes us that purified, but we don't go in. If you want to know why, or how, or when, or where, or how come, or what if, or blah blah blah, then go into the most holy place, be as holy as you can be, not as unholy as possible and still be able to go to heaven. It's not how far can I be but how close can I be. Am I being as close as I can be?

Lord, Thank you for today. Thank you for this time I get to spend with you. Not time I have to but that I get to. Thank you for the blessing you have seen fit to give me. Thank you for making it possible to be in the most holy place. Help me to live there. Help me to stay in the most holy place the rest of my life. Help me to shown my kids and my wife where it is and how to get there. Thank you for wanting to be close to me and letting me be close to you. Help to get closer everyday Lord. Everyday. Amen.


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