Monday, February 9, 2009

Good (and not so good) books

We were really pleased with the turn out at the movie last night and with all the books being made available to us.

We have recently read Every Man's Battle, Every Woman's Battle and a few other books that are being offered - (The 5 love languages, Love and Respect, and For Him Only and For Her Only -not sure if the him and her books are being offered)

We would just like to give a glowing recommendations for the Every man's series of books. Unlike some of the other books we have read, these books focus on fixing yourself - not making your partner into who you want him/her to be.

The Every Man's battle and Every Woman's battle address the root cause in you (not in your spouse), and encourage you to live lives of integrity because that is what Christ calls us to do - not in an attempt to manipulate our spouses into changing.

Many relational books talk about codes, pink and blue views, and how different the sexes are. They then give tips on how to act differently to illicit a different reaction from your spouse. While we believe the authors have good intentions - we would also offer the following cautions:

ANY book based on 1 or 2 scriptures is probably wrong - If you want to know what God says about those scriptures, do the research, look up the Greek, ask your pastor for some cross referencing verses to give complete clarity to the Word of God - the Bible is the only reliable, complete and authoritative commentary on the Bible - read it!

Relational books that encourage you to act a certain way in order to fix your partner are BAD! Sin creates strife in marriage more than anything else - get your life right with God, be the husband or wife God has called you to be.

The Every man's series of books effectively teaches how to live a life of integrity, striving to be the spouse God wants you to be while honoring your husband and loving your wife. These books are written by both a man and a woman - tailored to the audience to which they are written. We would highly recommend reading the "Everyman" books together, separately, or with a small group.

Just our 2 cents,
Drason and Amanda

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