Thursday, June 12, 2008

Quick Update

We went to see the house tonight, it is really far out int the country - but it is very nice and I think it is going to have to do for now. Here is a picture

Like I said it is really nice, so I hope that it will work out and that we can get moved in early next week. More adjusters tomorrow, they will be packing up everything we own and moving it out if it is savable - otherwise it is into the trash it will go. We haven't found the boys DS's yet hopefully these will turn up tomorrow.

Thanks for all of the prayers - keep praying


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

We have the Cherry Valley Lodge

Yep that's right, we moved down the road a bit to the Cherry Valley Lodge. We are now staying in a suite of 2 rooms, one for us and one for the boys - Thank God for small blessings!
We are going to be viewing a house on Thursday and I think we will be able to move in sometime next week. I think that we will feel a bit more settled after that. We are still meeting with adjusters - I was telling a friend of mine that I am not neglecting her but I feel like I have a full time job, there are adjusters for this and adjusters for that and they all answer to a head adjuster who is in Massachusetts - so I is just basically a full time job.
We had decided to home school the kids a few weeks ago and I registered to go to the Cheo convention in Columbus - but now I am not sure when it is or what I am supposed to do when we get there - so any of you home schoolers who know about this - please email me or let me know. I am thinking that I could go down to their office and get the information again if all else fails.
Finally Drason is still working on his business plan and getting everything off the ground with that - and I am really hoping that some of the information that was stored on our computer can be recovered.
All in all we are doing pretty good and we have been awed by our family, friends and neighbors. Our next door neighbor has been such a blessing to us - he helped us to get the things we needed the night of the fire - he has coordinated all of our neighborhood's efforts to help, he has kept our dog for the last week and a half and he has been mowing our yard. On top of all that he fought the fire with a garden hose until the fire department showed up. We never knew how blessed we were to have him for a neighbor.
It has been very eye opening to go through this, I never realized the character of some of the people God had placed in our lives. We are so very blessed to know you and we are very thankful for you!
See you all soon,