Tuesday, July 24, 2007

VBS is here

VBS is here. What a great first night with the kids. We have a BUNCH of kids. It is such a blessing to see kids really enjoying themselves and learning about God. Macguines, Marshal and Mason each invited a friend.

Macguines invited Will

Marshal invited Ricky and

Mason invited Gabe - whose Mom brought him and his brother Tyler.

I had a blast. There is nothing better than being the taxi for 5 lively and happy kids.

Afterwards we stopped and got ice - cream . Please pray for VBS, and for the literally hundreds of kids that will be at our church this week. For some of them this might be the only chance they have to experiance the love Jesus.

That's all for now,


Saturday, July 14, 2007

Congratulations Jessica and Blaze

May God bless you in your life together!

New Stuff

You might notice, I have added some pictures- like a slide show. This is for those of you who have said "We don't have any pictures" (look, Mom) So, this seems like an easy and fun way to share them . If you have a blog and you want to add a slide show you can click on mine and it will link to a page that can help you do this - it is really easy.

Anyhow - still reading my book - more on that later. Jessica and Blaze are getting married tomorrow. Pray for them - they are some of our aforementioned friends.

that's all for now,

Monday, July 9, 2007

Back in town again

Yes, we are back home tonight, safe and sound. We had fun at the Renaissance festival and around Lake Erie.
My camera battery died, but I think I may be able to get a copy of our picture from a local TV station that was at the festival and loved our costumes.
Anyways, just wanted to say a quick hello, let everyone know we are home safe and sound, and then collapse.
Good night

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

New book

I recently started reading a book "Rise Up" by Dr. Anthony L. Jinwright (I believe that he is the pastor of the greater Salem Baptist Church).

2 or 3 years ago I went into the Christian book store and they had several books on clearance and I bought this book thinking I would someday read it, it sounded interesting, and then I forgot about it.

Last weekend we went to a fellowship with our connect group and somehow got onto the topic of books we had read and enjoyed. I brought a book to Sunday School the following day for friends of ours and I remember thinking, when I pulled that book off the shelf, that I should read this book.

So I've started - and I have been surprised.

This book was copyright in 2002, so I am assuming these figures are fairly accurate

According to this book:

Less than 35% of Americans attend church on any given weekend

Less than 15% of person's 30 and under attend

That is depressing to say the least. These kinds of figures make me want to weep. For those of you who know us, we are both under 30 and when I think of our non-church friends, this is surprisingly accurate. Yes, some of our non- church friends say that they "believe in God" and that is well and good - but do they have a relationship with Jesus Christ? Not likely. Don't think that we haven't invited our friends to church - we have, but they are genuinely uninterested.

When I ask them why they refuse to attend the answers are always the same. They just don't see the point - they think Churches are filled with fakes. This reminds me of something Pastor Noel said several weeks ago. The number one reason people go to Church for the first time? They know a believer. The number one reason they will never go to Church? same thing.

This book is a challenge to believers to "Rise Up" and live the way Christ intended us to.
It presents some challenging questions:

Recall one time God really used your words or your life to make an impact? What did this do for you and for those who heard your words

What does it mean to you to be anointed with the Holy Spirit?

If you were really to "Rise Up" in your life what would this mean for you? for your church(what would change)? for your family?

What reservations do you have about this?

John 10:10
See you soon