Tuesday, July 24, 2007

VBS is here

VBS is here. What a great first night with the kids. We have a BUNCH of kids. It is such a blessing to see kids really enjoying themselves and learning about God. Macguines, Marshal and Mason each invited a friend.

Macguines invited Will

Marshal invited Ricky and

Mason invited Gabe - whose Mom brought him and his brother Tyler.

I had a blast. There is nothing better than being the taxi for 5 lively and happy kids.

Afterwards we stopped and got ice - cream . Please pray for VBS, and for the literally hundreds of kids that will be at our church this week. For some of them this might be the only chance they have to experiance the love Jesus.

That's all for now,



Donna Dear said...

do you know when winter jam is? maybe we can get a group of girls and go. my dear hubby is not a concert person. i think the youth have gone in the past.

Amanda said...

I beleive that it is the first part of January, however I haven't been able to find a schedule online yet. Ussually 104.9 has a ton of advertising leading up to it. I'll keep looking, that sounds like fun!