Wednesday, December 28, 2016

His Strength

There are times when I am frustrated. October brought news that Drason's college fees would not be paid, certain repairs on our home would not be completed this year.  Yet, in November, God provided an unknown scholarship to help him complete his classes.  He will graduate Magna Cum Laude in January.  Sometimes God speaks to us in a gentle whisper, sometimes a shout, sometimes He expects us to know His will, trust Him, and just keep walking forward.  We did and He did the work.

December brought it's own challenges - for the first time in many years I accepted a job outside of our home.  We learned a LOT this month.  The Lord revealed to me, again, how beloved I am in His sight.  He is my strength and shield.  He reminded me of my capacity, ability.  He showed me again that in my weakness He is strong and His Glory is what matters.  God likes what others call garbage - and uses the weak for his purposes.  He also showed me once again that I am able to do all things through Christ who strengthens me, and revealed personal value in a way that, while friends may speak it, it's sometimes easy to see yourself as "just a mom/wife/worker"  The JOY of the Lord was my strength.  I found joy in a simple, yet physically demanding task, and was able to share that joy with others around me -  "Let your light so shine before men that the will see it and glorify your Father in Heaven"  I found the opportunity to create community and a spirit of helpfulness and good works in a workplace where I was only there very temporarily.  What a blessing!

In addition we have sought the Lord in how to handle family differences and how to honor the Lord in our holiday celebrations, This year God opened doors with family that had not been opened before, allowing for the opportunity for offence to be removed and for peace to prevail. It was joyous and relaxing!

At the end of my job I was randomly selected and given a bonus (which was very much needed to meet our financial needs), my supervisors praised me, my husband was proud of my accomplishments.  Because God opened the doors to allow us to skip some family things without offence - we were protected from a rather nasty bug that was passed around.  We have had all of our needs provided for, our bills paid, and Drason also will receive a bonus for his hard work and dedication.

These blessings are awesome and I am humbled by them. God is so good to us.  His mercies are new each morning, His love is unfailing. Thank you Lord for all you have done for us!

November 30th my van wound up in a ditch (it was a wet day) and we have been waiting all month to get our vehicle repaired - the insurance company is being rather slow.  How can I, in the face of all this, doubt that God will provide for us and give us the repairs or the vehicle that we need.  Father God, your strength is made perfect in my weakness, you see value where others see trash. Please help us to overcome this latest hurtle.  Thank you for all of your blessings - help us know how to best honor you Lord.  In Jesus name I pray, Amen.