Wednesday, August 25, 2010

"The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion." Edmond Burke - Patriot 1784

I sign up for lots of teacher freebies online - one is a publication called "The Idea Book".  It is put out by A&E, Lifetime, History Channel, and the Biography Channel.  A- Why are television, for profit centers, putting out magazines for free - but only to teachers?  Well, that answer is simple - to make money.   B- What do these people think is worth being taught?  I mean, I like A&E so - it is probably ok, Right?

The Fall 2010 issue - called "The History of Halloween" has some very interesting articles

Page 7 - The History Channel - appropriate for 6th graders and above  - offers:
 a spelling list - (deities, divination, Druid, effigy, pagan, pantheon, secular)
The history of the Celts and a "Druid" religion  - Samhain
How the bad Christians spread God's word through Europe all but ending this pagan celebration
How some people still celebrate Samhain (true, they call themselves wiccans, amoung other things)

Page 17 - History International - appropriate for 8th graders and above - offers:
Clash of the "Gods"
Every mythical god, Greek, Roman or other legend is mentioned. 
I was suprised last spring talking to my sister - just graduated from public school - about how much she knew about all of these myths - seems it is taught in high school these days.
Nothing about GOD. 

History in Spanish -The Occult City
Um - the article is in Spanish - I think you can get the picture from the title.

Combine this with my previous post about sexuality and I think you begin to get the picture - but wait, there's more....

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals found in Fields v. Palmdale School District “that the Meyer-Pierce right [of parents to direct the upbringing of their children] does not exist beyond the threshold of the school door.”

You read that right. Parental Rights “[do] not exist beyond the threshold of the school door.”

“We conclude that the parents are possessed of no constitutional right to prevent the public schools from providing information on the subject [of sexuality] to their students in any forum or manner they select”

Of course, most parents contend they don’t have a choice in where their children are schooled. Either economic constraints or personal circumstances leave them with no practical alternative to the local public school. And that leaves no parental rights at all.

I hear parents all the time say, my school is not like that, they are good and wholesome and apple pie and smiles.  All I have to say to that is "Sure they are, but how do you know?"  Quite frankly, they don't even have to tell you what they teach, and if they are nice now - how great for you.  What if they decide to be not nice?  How much warning do you think they will give you?  Do you think they will send home a flyer that says "We plan on teaching your kids something, but we aren't going to tell you about it"?!?!?

I understand that homeschooling doesn't work for everyone, but how long will you be silent about these things? How long can we expect any dignity from our government if you won't stand up for your rights to parent your children?  Parental Rights isn't a homeschool issue - it is an issue for every Mom and Dad out there.
Sign the petition here  Learn more at

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Shocking U.N. Efforts to Undermine Youth Morals

During the last week, a well-respected leader in the pro-family movement, Terrence McKeegan, Vice President and Senior Counsel for C-FAM, shared with me his research about the UN’s latest efforts to attack the moral foundation of families and children. In the last week a major youth conference was held in Mexico which was aimed at creating a new declaration for youth to be enacted by the UN General Assembly in connection with the “International Year for Youth.”
One of the things called for in the proposed resolution is full access for all youth to “universal access to reproductive health.” These words are loaded with hidden meanings. However, McKeegan has unmasked these hidden meanings by gathering copies of UN brochures that it distributed at its youth conference in March, 2010. Actual sections from these brochures are at the bottom of the page **WARNING** THESE ARE EXPLICIT. The content of this material is shocking. It is not pornographic, but the behavior that it is encouraging is lewdness and immorality personified. I would strongly suggest that only parents look at this material. Here are just a few examples:

· Young people living with HIV have the right to sexual pleasure
· Some people have sex when they have been drinking alcohol or using drugs. This is your choice.
· There is no right or wrong way to have sex. Just have fun, explore and be yourself.
· Sexual and reproductive rights are recognized around the world as human rights.

Now you know the kinds of ideas that are offered when the UN calls for “safe sex education and awareness-raising activities among adolescents” (UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, 2006, Concluding Observations, Lebanon).

There is already a political movement in the United States to offer these egregious forms of sex education without parental knowledge or review. But, if the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is adopted in the US, then the debate is over—we would be required to implement the kind of adolescent “health” education dictated by the UN.

We must preserve our families. We must preserve common sense and morality. We must preserve American self-government.

If you have already joined our efforts to stop the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child thanks so much. Would you continue to share this information with your friends as we build toward the next session of Congress? If you have not joined with us, Click here and do so today.

Thanks so much.
Michael Farris, J.D. Share This Email

Thursday, August 12, 2010 - Protecting Children by Empowering Parents -- - Protecting Children by Empowering Parents --

Government intrusion has gotten bolder in recent years. You may recall that a father in Tennessee last year took his 13-year-old son to the doctor, and granted permission for the doctor to test his son for drug use. Yet, when the tests came back, the doctor refused to give the father the results, insisting he must have the son's permission to disclose that information. He cited federal HIPPA regulations as his reason for ignoring the parent's rights.

And the intrusion is likely to get worse. Several articles and a brand new book written by 20 American law professors urge the banning of all private and home schools in the U.S. in order to protect children from religious indoctrination by their parents. "Perhaps the more appropriate suggestion for our current educational dilemma is that public education should be mandatory and universal...." (Martha Albertson Fineman, What Is Right for Children?, page 237) “If the core principle in a parent's belief system is that there is only one immutable truth...many educational topics will be off limits. Such 'private truths' have no place in the public arena, including the public schools.” (Catherine J. Ross, “Fundamentalist Challenges to Core Democratic Values: Exit and Homeschooling”, page 8)

But we are not without hope. In fact, we are encouraged that we can halt this invasion of our families.

Over the last two years, we have gained 140 cosponsors of the Parental Rights Amendment in the U.S. House of Representatives, and 7 in the U.S. Senate, plus 31 senators opposing the UN's Convention on the Rights of the Child through S.R. 519. We have made this tremendous progress with a relatively small list of petition signers for two reasons: first, we have some amazing allied organizations partnering with us to get this done. Second, you didn't just sign a petition and leave it alone. You signed up to call or write your lawmakers, and you have remained faithful to take action when my staff and I have asked it of you.

Together, we have done an amazing amount for such a small organization, but there is still a lot we need to do. We will have to ramp up our efforts if we are to succeed.

Please click the link above for the full story - and consider making a donation to this worthy cause.  In my estimation, this organization is advancing the cause of Christ, by continuing to legally fight against religious persecution - right here in the USA.
